
We have some details about FIRST ENTERTAINMENT.

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Phone: (888) 800-3328

  (6 votes)

Website: http://www.firstent.org/contact.shtml


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about this bank? Please click here to let us know.)

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Requirements for joining: includes most of the residents of Los Angeles County. (50% agree)

Debit card fees: No fee (100% agree)

Overdraft fees: Overdraft: $18.00, overdraft transfer from savings: $3.00 (Only 4 responses received)

ATM access: Very. Part of STAR, PLUS and CIRRUS networks and The CO-OP ATM Deposit Network. (80% agree)

Checking account fees: Not on basic checking account. $6.00 on the Advantage account (60% agree)

Minimum balance requirement: Not for the Value Checking. $1,000 for the Advantage account. (Only 4 responses received)

Minimum opening deposit: $5.00 plus a one-time non-refundable membership fee of $5.00 (67% agree)

Business hours: M-Th 8:30 am - 5:00 pm F 8:30 am - 6:00 pm S 9:00 am - 2:00 pm (100% agree)

Online bill payment: Yes (80% agree)

Number of branches: (show all) 4

Mortgages: Some, but not all. (Only 3 responses received)

TARP bailout money received: No. (100% agree)

TARP bailout money repaid: No TARP money received (Only 3 responses received)
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Branch/ATM Locations (back to details)

  1. 4067 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Los Angeles, California 91604
    Branch — 0.2 miles away // Phone: (888) 800-3328
  2. 6735 Forest Lawn Drive, Hollywood, CA, 90068
    Branch — 3.1 miles away // Phone: None
  3. 6735 Forest Lawn Dr # 310, Los Angeles, CA 90068-1055
    Headquarters — 3.2 miles away // Phone: (888) 800-3328
  4. Los Angeles, CA 90028
    Branch — 4.7 miles away // Phone: (888) 800-3328