
We have some details about ALAMEDA.

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ALAMEDA Credit Union

Phone: (510) 864-4226

  (1 vote)

Website: http://www.alamedacu.org/


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Requirements for joining: Yes: you must live, work or be a student in Alameda, California, or have a relative with an account at the Alameda Coop (Only 2 responses received)

Debit card fees: No fee (Only 2 responses received)

Overdraft fees: $5.00 (Only 3 responses received)

ATM access: Only 2 ATMs located at the actual Coop banks: Southshore shopping center and Marina Villagee (Only 2 responses received)

Checking account fees: No fee if you maintain a minumum balance of $300.00. Otherwise there is a $4.00 per month fee (Only 3 responses received)

Minimum balance requirement: Yes, $300.00 (Only 2 responses received)

Minimum opening deposit: 60.00 (Only 1 response received)

Business hours: $55.00 to open a share draft account and an additional $25.00 to open a checking account (Only 3 responses received)

Online bill payment: Yes (Only 2 responses received)

Number of branches: (show all) 3

Mortgages: We hold and service our own mortgages (Only 2 responses received)

TARP bailout money received: No TARP money received (Only 2 responses received)

TARP bailout money repaid: No TARP money received (Only 1 response received)
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Branch/ATM Locations (back to details)

  1. 2250 South Shore Center, Unit C, Alameda, CA, 94501
    Branch — 0.8 miles away // Phone: None
  2. 2250 South Shore Center Drive , Alameda, CA 94501-8027
    Headquarters — 0.8 miles away // Phone: (510) 864-4226
  3. 835 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501-1035
    Branch — 2.2 miles away // Phone: (510) 748-1210